Sunday, June 12, 2011

Watching the news can be really depressing.

All the natural disasters, political unrest and food scandals.

It serves as a wake up call for me.

Growing up in Singapore, with a somewhat blissful and complete family. I am really spoilt and well-protected.

99.99% of the time, I forgot that the world is not that peaceful and that there are dangers out there.

War and starvation seems surreal and faraway.

It makes me ashamed of myself when I whine about not having enough time for myself.

Why am I whining about school when others are denied education when they so desperately want it?

I should be more grateful and appreciative of what I have.

I think that all fortune souls should be appreciative because it would be too late for regrets should anything happen. (touch wood)

When the days come, instead of whining about something, why not smile and be thankful that you don't have to worry about Earthquakes or dying due to political unrest and riots.

It is as easy as it is difficult to do this.

Easy because those things are really treasures and not difficult to appreciate.

Difficult because it is hard to grasp the magnitude of this blessing due to over complacency

So let's all try a little harder together to keep this in mind. Okay?

*[[ And they lived happily ever after... ]]*
|3:55 PM|

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